ckbBarbell training is a lifestyle for men. If you are fucked, you can fall back on it. *************** HOW TO GET BIG *************** 1. Lift big 2. Eat big 3. Sleep big *************** EXAMPLE DIET *************** 1. Wake up eat 2/3lb meat 2. Drink 4 cups of milk + whey protein 3. Eat 1/2 cup dry rice 4. Lift 5. Eat 1 cup rice, 4 large eggs 6. Drink 4 cups milk + whey protein 7. Sleep Eat the same on days off. You are growing even on days you don't lift. The weekend is the exception. Do whatever you want on the weekend. Get a costco, sams club, etc. membership 1. Rice 2. Meat 3. Whey protein 4. Snacks *************** HOW TO LIFT *************** Join a gym that has many power cages. If you walk in and there are many spin bikes and treadmills you are in the wrong place. You can also buy a power cage, bench, barbell, and weights for your home. Rogue is a good American brand. You can also buy steel, measure, cut, drill, and weld your own power cage. Spend monday-friday focused on work and lifting. Follow a program that trains full-body three days a week. The program you follow should have you doing sets of five reps, It should encourage taking 3-8 minute breaks. "Starting Strength" is a great book and their beginner routine worked well for me. Spend the weekends doing and eating whatever you like. Break routine and go on an adventure when you can. *************** IN THE CAGE *************** 1. Video tape yourself and review your form after lifts. I like to review my lift immediately during my breaks. Alternatively you can get a coach. 2. Take long enough rests so that you can stress your body properly and perform your reps. 3. Prepare for every lift.